IOEZ.LIVE offers a distinctive, online-only, year-long academic framework designed to advance research in digital architecture. Our curriculum is structured around a series of 'School of Thought' modules that emphasize 'observation' as a foundational critical thinking skill. Complementing these are annual modules focused on the mastery of communication and media-related technologies. The academic year at IOEZ.LIVE is structured into three main categories: CORE MODULEs, EVENT WORKSHOPS, and EXHIBITS.

CORE MODULEs: These form the backbone of the IOEZ.LIVE School, encompassing a comprehensive, week-long academic event held annually in the third quarter (Q3) of each year. This module is pivotal in teaching and intensifying our research agenda. It brings together global participants and collaborators, offering a deep dive into a blend of cultural and technological contexts. This single yearly module allows for a focused, in-depth exploration of innovative architectural concepts and practices, ensuring each session delivers maximum impact and relevance to current global challenges in architecture.

EVENT WORKSHOPS: Spanning the entire year, these one or two-day events address contemporary cultural debates, feature visits to key institutions, explore areas of high interest, and include sessions with renowned public figures and practitioners. These workshops also focus on teaching practical skills in media and technology, supported by online resources.

EXHIBITS: A vital component of our programme, EXHIBITS promote the work of our participants. Exhibitions are held annually at various global locations between July and August, showcasing the creative outputs from the CORE MODULEs and EVENT WORKSHOPS. Additionally, a physical publication documenting these works is produced and released each December, providing a tangible record of the year’s explorations and innovations.


This programme is designed for architects, designers, technologists, and artists who are driven by a curiosity about the convergence of digital and physical realms. Participants who are eager to push the boundaries of traditional architectural practice and explore how emerging technologies can redefine our understanding of space and community.
Off-grid but online, we welcome creatives and thinkers from across all disciplines.


Master Observation as Critical Thinking: Develop your ability to observe as a media-agnostic skill that enhances critical thinking and enables innovative approaches to architectural design and research in our increasingly digital world.

Hands-On Experience with Cutting-Edge Digital Technologies: Gain practical skills in the latest digital technologies and media that are reshaping the landscape of architecture and spatial experiences.

Opportunities for Global Exhibitions: Display your work for two months in various cities and institutions around the world, offering exposure and professional recognition.

Publications in Respected Journals: Achieve recognition for your creative and research efforts through publication in both independent and renowned printed and digital publications.

Architectural Association Transcript: Be awarded an Architectural Association Transcript, documenting your participation and achievements in this forward-thinking program.

Engagement in a Like-Minded Community: Join a network of like-minded individuals who are reshaping the future of architecture. Collaborate, share, and innovate within a community driven by a passion for exploring new architectural paradigms.

Explore the Frontier of Digital Architectural Culture: Engage deeply with the expansive landscape of an online generation, where culture and technology meet to drive the next era of architectural experiences. Research, discover, and study how digital connectivity and innovative technologies are influencing architectural practice and theory.


Fee details vary annually and are available on the relevant yearly page. A £60 Architectural Association Digital Membership fee applies.

The 2025 programme will be announced later this year.

No fees apply. EXHIBITS showcase and promote the outcomes from the CORE MODULEs and EVENT WORKSHOPS.


We welcome the support of Patrons, Sponsors, Investors, and Supporters to enhance our bursaries, outreach, and exposure programmes. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to get involved.


IOEZ.LIVE/24 (05 - 10.08.2024) CORE MODULE
Apply through the Architectural Association